Origins of Diamonds
"Adamas" is the Greek word for unconquerable. It was also the word used to describe diamonds because of a diamond's hardness. Diamonds are considered one of the most valuable gemstones of the world and for good reason. From the hardness to the durability to the beauty, diamonds are near imperishable. For this reason, they are used for all types of jewelry especially bridal jewelry like engagement rings, wedding rings and anniversary rings.
Diamonds were first mined in India. The diamonds mined in India generally were in small quantities. India was the only diamond producing country until the 1700s. People in India held diamonds in high regard using them in religious icons. In the late 18th century, diamonds were discovered and mined in Brazil. Brazil, at that time, became the sole supplier of diamonds for the world. However, in 1871, one of the largest diamond mines was discovered in South Africa which is known as the famous kimberlite pipes named after the city Kimberley (where the mine was discovered). The Kimberley mine produced and produces some of the largest diamonds in the world plus some of the most beautiful diamonds. It is a popular mine and still continuously produces diamonds.
Carbon is the only mineral in diamond and it's the only rock made from a single mineral. A diamond forms through high pressure high temperature deep in the Earth mantle, about 140-190 kilometers or 80-120 miles deep. In order for the diamonds to rise to the Earth's surface, it is carried in rare molten rock, or magma. This magma rises and erupts in small but violent volcanoes. Underneath the volcanoes is a pipe shaped like a carrot filled with embedded diamonds, volcanic rock, and mantle fragments. This rock type is called a kimberlite.
There are diamond mines all over the world, but the most popular mine known is the Kimberley mine. Over 25 countries have diamond mines. These include Siberian Russia, Australia, the United States, Venezuela, Tanzania, Ivory Coast, China, and more. The only places yet to show or produce diamonds are Europe and Antarctica. View More
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